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Advisory Board Member
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Prof. Dr. Martin Selchert is Professor of Marketing, Management and eBusiness at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen. In parallel, he works as freelance consultant and trainer. He combines science and practice in all questions related to market-oriented management of companies – from strategy, marketing, sales and services to customer relations management.
His profound methodological know-how allows him to harmoniously optimize all relevant success factors. That way, he addresses strategic goals, organizational issues, processes, work methods, qualification and motivation of employees, IT and profitability in his projects to accomplish holistic change. During more than 22 years in consulting, he has developed his approach to support organizations in a methodologically sound and fact-based way from clear conceptualization to consistent implementation, thereby enabling them in such a way that lasting and clearly measurable results are achieved. He works with client teams in such a way that all solutions developed are embraced by the employees in the clients‘ organizations.
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After his studies of Business Administration and obtaining his PhD from the University of Mannheim, Prof. Selchert worked as a strategy consultant with McKinsey & Company für 7 years. Besides clients from the banking and logistics industries, he has mainly worked for telecommunications, IT, multi-media und high-tech companies in Europe and the US.
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In 2000, he accepted the offer to take a professorship at the University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen. Besides researching and teaching, Prof. Selchert is Director of the Business IT Master program. As a freelance consultant, he supports clients ranging from DAX 30 companies to small and medium-sized enterprises in a broad range of industry sectors.